Sunday, 12 September 2010

Still Not Prepared

Despite my claims last week that I was going to put together a survival kit, I haven't.  This even despite the fact that since the big South Island quake hit last Saturday, here in Hawke's Bay we've had three good sized shake ups

I've made two main adjustments in my life because of the increased worry of a big earthquake hitting:
1)  I charge my cellphone more frequently, never knowing when I'll need it to last for awhile without electricity.
2) I keep my eyeglasses in a case on my bedside table now, instead of loose on the window sill in the bathroom like I used to.  The Christchurch earthquake hit a 4:30 in the morning, and I'd hate to think how long it'd take me in the dark to find my glasses down the hall in the bathroom and probably busted having fallen onto the floor.

I really should get a working flashlight, but luckily, my awesome old school Nokia cell phone has an LED torch, so keeping it charged at least will give me some light.


Susan said...

Yes but still go ahead and make an emergency kit! You can never be to prepared!!

Philippines Tourism said...

Survival Kits are always good to have. especially since you live on an island a bunch sea floor moving can totally shake up that Island.